When we talk about archiving photos, or even just scanning photos so we can use them on the web, sometimes it's hard to imagine a specific purpose. If you don't have an event like a wedding or retirement party where you're presenting yourself to an audience, it's easy to ask why you're taking the time in the first place.
I just love looking at pictures. Mine, yours, anybody's. I'm nosy. I like seeing how people or places change over time. I'm nostalgic. I like scanning in old pictures so I can see them on my laptop (the most commonly viewed screen of any kind in my home) or to pass them to friends or relatives.
Naturally, I was completely excited to find Photojojo's Photo Time Capsule. From the cool and fun Photojojo site, it sends you photos from your flickr account twice a month that were taken the previous year. It's like your younger self paying you a little visit. You can even post messages for your year-older-self to read with the photos! (A cool feature is that you can change your time capsule period to 1, 3, or 6 months or 1 or 2 years ahead.)
Now, here's where I have to make a confession: I probably have one photo in my flickr account. I just haven't taken the time to download my pics. Like many of my soon-to-be-clients, I keep thinking I'll get around to it tomorrow, or next week. But really, the time is now, isn't it? I'll start with one group of photos and send them out straightaway. How else will I get to see them again in three to six months?